Filmscope UG: Episode 094 - Earnest Sserunnya Kaddu


Earnest Sserunnya Kaddu is an Actor, Director, Writer, Producer and has also taken part in the makeup department for films like; Bunjako, Rescue Team, and Precision: The Child Drug Trafficking.

When it comes to acting and directing, Sserunnya is known for his work on Who Killed Captain Alex? (2010), Precision: The Child Drug Trafficking (2018), Bad Black, The Return of Uncle Benon, and Bukunja Tekunja Mitti: The Cannibals (2012), among others.

He played Richard in Who killed Captain Alex, Tumalata in Precision: The Child Drug Trafficking, and Kikomi in Bukunja Tekunja Mitti: The Cannibals.