THE FATBOY SHOW : Why are men looking at women half their age?.
One of the most common arguments I hear against AGR (Age Gap Relationship) is that a person's brain doesn't fully develop until they are in their mid 20s, so to have someone with a developed brain date a person with an undeveloped brain is wrong. I would push back on this by saying that even though a person in their early 20s may not have a brain that is 100% developed, it is probably 95% there - hopefully enough for a person to have sex without accidentally destroying their life. Otherwise, if a person is that irresponsible up until 25, why should we allow them to drive, drink, sign a lease, etc. Additionally, I think it is telling that although many people would be disgusted with a 22 y/o dating a 50 y/o, few would take issue with a 22 y/o dating a 25 y/o even though in both cases, a person with a undeveloped brain is dating a person with a developed brain. This line of thinking also ignores the fact that there may be some unique risks to dating younger men. For example, most of the statistics I have read suggest that men in their 20's are far more likely to act in violent ways than older men.
Beyond that, critics of AGR (Age Gap Relationship) will often say that it is creepy for older men to want to have sex with younger women. I think this is worth some level of interrogation. Why is it creepy for older men to want sex, or to find younger adults attractive? We as a society have this weird idea that once you hit a certain age (maybe around 40 or 50 years old) you magically never want to have sex again for the rest of your life. This is why the "dirty old man" trope exists - because older people who still have some level of sexual desire are seen as aberrations. Some people might say it is okay for older people to have sex with each other, but when you mix age groups it is different. Again, I would urge people who say this to introspect, and to realize that saying "unconventional sexual pairings are disgusting" is what lead us to anti-sodomy laws and miscegenation laws.